Summary: The new Black Hammer story arc begins!
New adventures!
A new story arc, a new Black Hammer and a whole new adventure to venture forth into. There is a lot to be excited and creeped out about as our favourite team of ragtag heroes try to unlock more mysteries. Prepare yourself for a wild ride, filled with puzzling new developments that will leave your mind buzzing with new questions and theories.
What a way to begin a new story arc! I don’t want to reveal too much about what unfolds in this issue, but what I will say is that it’s excellent. We are flung straight back into the action of the previous issue, where we see Lucy now donning the costume of her father, as she takes up the gauntlet and becomes the new Black Hammer. The excitement doesn’t stop here, as we are taken on an epic adventure to a pretty strange place that will leave you kinda perplexed, a little creeped out and 100% intrigued. I love how strange and complex this world is turning out to be, with Jeff Lemire continually surprising us with exciting and unexpected new developments.
Dean Ormston’s art once again captures the eeriness and ominous nature of this world. I especially love the scenes that involve Lucy. Let’s just say that we get to see some wonderfully grotesque creatures make an appearance, bringing some visual diversity to the story. Ormston’s use of heavy inking and detailed linework, helps to create an interesting sense of texture and depth to many of the scenes, whilst also helping to amp up the overall horror aesthetic. The colouring, by Dave Stewart is subtle and effective, helping to reinforce the menacing tone of the story. There is a bleakness prevalent in this world, and Stewart’s use of muted colours helps to heighten this.
Overall, I thought that this was a wonderful introduction to the new story arc. There are a few unexpected plot developments, all that left me with a bazillion new questions and theories to ponder over. I really love the new direction that the story has taken and I can’t wait until the next issue comes out. I need more of this creepy world in my life.
I’m giving this issue 5 out of 5 stars!
CREATIVE TEAM: Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, Dave Stewart and Todd Klein
PUBLISHER: Dark Horse Comics
PUBLICATION DATE: April 18, 2018
REVIEWER: Dana Folkard