Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D
Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D is the
perfect game for boys! I mean... which boy doesn't enjoy dinosaurs and even
some grown men? Even if you have not enjoyed playing with dinosaurs toys
for quite some time, there might be something strangely interesting about this game
as you control your very own dinosaur. Best of all, this game uses the
innovative 3D technology of the Nintendo 3DS that almost makes these
ancient dinosaurs come to life from Tyrannosaurus to Triceratops and my
favourite, the Stegosaurus... a plant eater who could hold their own.
The developers have even added a few
interesting scientific facts into the game but that's where the
realism ends because the story of Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D
revolves around the overwhelming power of the Arkosaurus, the most
powerful predator to every walk the lands. Unfortunately for the
dinosaurs, their time of extinction is near and as the Arkosaurus has
freed itself from the four ancient guardians and it's up to a dinosaur
hero to liberate the world from this menace.
The story of this game harkens back to an almost Saturday morning cartoon and is
actually quite interesting or is it some childhood subliminal memory
getting fulfilled? The goal of Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D is to get
from point A to point B but along the way you collect a variety of items
and weapons to make your way to the final boss. Unfortunately the
gameplay becomes too repetitive as you go from point A to point B
because in the first few hours of the games, you've pretty much seen it
all before.

Combat however plays a
key part to his game as you control one dinosaur from one of four
different categories that include predator, hunters, defenders and
chargers. Depending on which dinosaur you select, they will have their
pros and cons but overall, the balance is quite similar. With that said,
the dinosaurs included in the game are as follows;
That's quite a few
dinosaurs to fulfil any Dinosaur fanboy or fanboy dream. Lots to choose
Combat is quite simplistic by pressing B to attack or A to push/charge
your foe. You
also have a dodge option as well. Although its nothing
like Tekken, the dinosaurs do have the ability to equip "weapons" such
for additional power-ups like claws etc.
The premise is
basically attack, attack, dodge or a combination of these. If your enemy
flashes blue, you can launch a dinostrike which is basically a super
attack. If the dinosaur turns red, they are about to attack you so you
need to time your dodge perfectly or take damage. Once you have depleted
their health bar to zero, you will win.
Another addition is the
frenzy attack that allows you focus more power on your enemy and to add
a few other elements into the game, there are earthquakes and lava
eruptions that add a new strategy which not only knocks you out of the
ring but can lead to damage. Once again as you progress, the gameplay
remains rather static. Although no real multiplayer per se, the
game does support 3DS Street Pass that allows your dinosaurs to have
encounters during the street or local play to trade items with friends.

Graphically, Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D makes good use of the 3D
technology of the 3DS from its 3D type environments to realistic
dinosaurs that almost float off your screen or more particularly float
behind the screen. Best of all the animations
are decent as are the realistic textures on these extinct creatures.
The backgrounds change as you progress and there's some great use of
depth with the backgrounds such as foliage and other items that almost
stick out of your screen. Music is a little average but the sound
effects are kind of cool when the battles commence.
In end, Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D is
an interesting game for kids but unfortunately once you have played the
game, there's very little replay value. It's also a shame that the
multiplayer aspect is quite limited but if you have a boy in your family
who loves dinosaurs, I'm sure they'll get their fair share of play from
Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D. Needless to say, this game is definitely
targetted to the under 10's! |